21 Day Fix Review

It seemed, to me, after my experience and completion of The Ultimate Reset, the next step to take in my health journey, was to complete the 21 Day Fix.  After all, what’s 21 days? That was the same amount of time I took to complete the Ultimate Reset. I liked that it was less than 30 days or a month – Whatever you need to do to get your body to do what your MIND TELLS YOU, YOU NEED TO DO, right? 21 Day Fix had just enough exercises/moves that challenged me. The other thing I found attractive? It comes with everything you need to help ensure you are eating healthy, nutritious meals. The program comes with a container system, meal plan and food lists for you to choose from to make smart, healthy choices and create great effective meal plans. They’ve essentially taken all the guess work out of putting together an appropriate, much needed, exercise program and balanced diet. I have found, in addition to helping me, it eased my mind by giving me optimal food choices to provide my whole family the balance nutrition they need.

The first week was killer for me. I hadn’t really worked out consistently for at least four years. It was not easy doing the moves and I really did curse the day I found the program, while I was doing it. I was embarrassed to try to work through the moves as my husband lifted weights. (We met in our 20’s and we were gym rats. When we began dating in our 30’s we would workout together as “date nights”) But, he encouraged me saying he noticed I was doing the moves and keeping up…AND, well, I modified when I needed. I just kept going. It helped me to hear Autumn talking too (other times flailing about and exhausted- doing my best to keep it together, I’d be thinking, “SHUT UP. JUST. Shut. IT!” but you know what? Her talking really worked as a distraction. There was no time for any negative self talk, or talking myself out of completing the moves).

I joined a challenge group and this extended my time on the program since it was just 21 Days, and I was doing the workouts for 30 or 31 days (so essentially 2 ½ months) After completing the program I had lost several inches on my waist, hips, thighs, and was down just 1-2 lbs. As a personal trainer and someone who has spent literally thousands of hours at the gym, I will tell you, that was not a discouragement for me. The inches (circumference measurements) are what I wanted and needed to see change. And they did. SO, I decided, when I was ready, I would move on and try the next level up…21 Day Fix Extreme.

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