Cate’s Spaghetti Squash with Pesto, Sweet Basil and Tomatoes

Line bottom rack with aluminum foil as your spaghetti squash will most likely drip some while baking. Preheat oven 400 degrees wash off entire outside of whole spaghetti squash then pierce (I do this several places) with sharp knife and place on oven rack for about 20 minutes and then turn over and let bake another 20 minutes.

While the spaghetti squash is baking, cut the grape tomatoes in half and finely chop several leaves of sweet basil. Grate Parmesan cheese. Set all prepped ingredients aside.

Take the spaghetti squash out of the oven – test with knife by inserting and seeing whether the knife comes out easily. If it does, it’s done and you can turn the oven *off let set for a few minutes then cut it in half. Be certain to scrape out the seeds. Then scrape it with a fork to dislodge the “noodles” from the shell. Leave the “noodles” in the shell and toss in 2 TBSP of pesto. Top with grated parmesan cheese, tomatoes and sweet basil.

*or bring the temp to 375 degrees and place prepped chicken breast in the oven.

OPTIONAL Add Protein! Pesto chicken breast. Cut into cubes and toss in spaghetti squash/pest mixture. The top with grated Parmesan cheese, fresh cut tomatoes and basil.



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