Ultimate Reset. My Honest Review.

There’s no denying the obvious. The Ultimate Reset is a hefty investment. All around. Hefty. Investment. It costs a significant amount money. Then the time. OY! Does it require you invest your time! From preparing specific meals to taking their supplements and eating said prepared meals in a specific order. To add insult to injury it requires you sacrifice those things you love…Like not drinking your favorite diet soda and your comfort- er, I mean creamer in your coffee. Despite all that, I decided to order the Ultimate Reset. Why? While I couldn’t put my finger on “it,” I quite literally felt as though I were dying, from the inside out. (I began feeling this way after having had minor surgery). And I simply could not shake the “sick to my stomach; achy feeling in my side,” I was feeling.

Well, I am happy to report that almost all the meals were quite tasty. Yes, it does take time to adjust to the meals. The planning and preparation take time and effort. Oh. I said that before? Well, you were forewarned. There were a few times I slightly modified the meals for my family. There were a couple meals I didn’t really care for. But I tried them. I also did light yoga, because, well, it seemed so fitting. Aside from that, and now, for the good part. While I wasn’t working on specific weight loss goals, I was trying to cleanse my body. I wanted to have a clean slate before beginning my new workout regimen.

So, if I didn’t weigh myself or take measurements, how could I tell it worked? Well, by the time I was done with the Ultimate Reset, I quit drinking diet soda. As a matter of fact, I quit drinking all sodas and so did my husband! Additionally, my psoriasis, which is more of a nuisance to deal with than anything, cleared up. I didn’t have it so badly that it was noticeable. Fortunately, I had very small patches on my elbows, knees and right below my ankle joints on the top of each foot. It was oddly symmetrical. Quite literally, I had a patch on each elbow, each knee and each foot! What are the odds? Maybe it’s more common than I realize? At any rate, as I previously stated, by the time I completed the Ultimate Reset my patches completely cleared up as well. I had my cholesterol re-checked as well. It improved, which is a great thing! Finally, my afternoon slump- like so tired it felt as though I had weights on my ankles when walking the stairs feeling- yeah. That feeling. It went away. Like completely. Gone. I did not have the pain in my side that I had been feeling. Overall, I felt refreshed and energized. I haven’t regretted any of these things. All for the investment into my health and wellness. So, what’s stopping you from embarking on an amazing health journey? Are you worth it? I am sure your family and loved ones would say you were. Give it a try. You’ll be glad you did! (If you need a coach or help along the way, reach out to me! I’d be happy to cheer you on, encourage you and keep you held accountable)!


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