Exercises for Kids

I think one of the best things we can do for our kids is to get them to exercise through play! It can be a fun, bonding experience and we, as parents, can benefit from it too! I mean, really! We can burn extra calories as we exercise together!

It should only take a few moments to get set up. No equipment is required, so this can be done anywhere! And depending on their age range, you should modify certain moves and limit the activity time. I think it’s so fun to see my son randomly dropping to the floor to do his push-ups. Then there’s the proud look on his face when he gets his jumping jacks down just right! Or the bear crawls. His bear crawls are FIRE! Another move he just breaks out into! He drops down on all fours and bear crawls across the room. Our kids hear what we say. They do. But, they also SEE how we’re living. What we’re doing. We can be real and say we don’t LOVE to workout or we DO love to workout- we need to be real with how we feel about it. But, we can add WHY we do it. We can involve them and make it a fun experience!

If your kids see you working out, they will most likely want to work out with you! They will want to exercise and show off their moves, just as my son does too.

If you can’t think of a fun way to get them to exercise, then be sneaky. Dance party, anyone?! This is always a fun way to get in your cardio too. It will help lighten up your mood and burn calories. If you have Beachbody on Demand, you can stream Shaun T’s workouts for kids. Perfect for your family to do together. And, you can steal some of the moves you learn on there and incorporate them into your next impromptu Friday Family Fitness night ;p

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