Taco Salad

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring! This salad can be changed up however you’d like! Just keep it healthy ;p I even added broccoli to mine once, because I wanted to get more green veggies in my body!

This salad makes 4 servings. It doesn’t come anywhere close to the calorie busters that are all too typical for your average Taco Salad!

The ingredients are simple, it can be flavored to your specific taste. What’s not to like?!

Just for fun, get young kids involved! After you’ve done all the prep work, let them help you put this salad together. They may be more interested in eating it, if they have a hand in making it with you!

SO, let’s go! Gather up your ingredients:

1lb lean ground, raw turkey

1 vocado

2 colorful bell peppers, red, yellow or orange

6 cups of mixed lettuce

2-3 medium tomatoes

1 can of black beans

1 cup cooked brown rice

1Tbsp Taco or Fajita Seasoning blend (optional) OR use a blend that YOU like, such as, Himalayan salt, pepper and garlic powder.

Shredded Cheese optional (low fat, preferably and use only to garnish.

Now, let’s get your prep on!

  1. Heat EVOO in skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add ground turkey and low sodium taco seasoning, (or you can add Himalayan salt, pepper and garlic powder…OR any seasoning your prefer)! Cook until lightly browned- stir frequently to avoid burning! Remove and set aside.
  3. Cutting board and knife for your veggies! Cube avocado, cut bell peppers, and tomatoes.
  4. Open canned black beans run under cold water and drain.
  5. NOW, the fun starts! Grab your kid(s) and ask them to help you put your salads together!
  6. Divide your lettuce into four bowls.
  7. Add  1/4 cup of brown rice to each of the bowls.
  8. Divide your cooked turkey meat and add to all four bowls. (You can opt to give the adults larger portions of protein, as needed).
  9. Add 1/4 cup of beans to each bowl.
  10. Divide evenly and add all the chopped veggies to all four bowls.
  11. Optional- top with shredded cheese. ENJOY!
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