Decisions! Decisions!

Tell yourself you are 100% worth the pain and suffering working out and cutting out sugar may initially bring…

Decisions, decisions…Ever face the problem of having too many choices?! I guess that’s better than not having any, right? I recall posting about the weekend I went to Silver Diner with my family. They have a great new menu which made it HARD choosing which healthy option I wanted! But decisions are part of life, right? I mean, we all have to make them daily. Our health and fitness is no exception! There are so many options for us these day. It may even feel a bit overwhelming for us as we try to decide which choice is best for us. Where do we start? Who can we trust to guide us?

First, let’s get one thing straight. Our country as a whole is affected by obesity. From small children to adults. As parents, and guardians, we need to pay attention to what we’re feeding our kids. The drive thru may be easier, but is it really the best choice for our kid(s)? And, how often do you serve dessert after dinner? I know some families who serve dessert every time they eat dinner. Is dessert necessary? Every time? I am not saying you should never enjoy a piece of cake. I am not at all suggesting you go on a bland diet. Life is short and sometimes we need to eat the cake! But, let’s acknowledge something, obesity is the direct result of poor eating choices. The CDC states medical costs of obese people run them over $1,400 more than people who are in the “normal” weight range. Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer that are some of the leading causes of preventable, premature death. There is absolutely NO reason why these facts should not scare you into action, if you are overweight. It all comes down to the decision to COMMIT to improving your health. Tell yourself you are 100% worth the pain and suffering working out and cutting out sugar may initially bring…

Listen, I know you’re savvy readers. I know you know what’s going on. You’re aware of the risks one takes if they’re not taking care of their body. You know what needs to be done. You may have gotten a little fired up at one point- signed up for a program, or even purchased a gym membership. All too often that initial excitement fizzles out, but why? I wouldn’t call it complacency…Perhaps, though, it’s more comfortable and easier being unhealthy (and even uncomfortable in your own skin)?

I want to encourage you to stop and think: Are there some things in your life you need to change? Poor food choices? Is your body in a healthy state? And if not, are you ready to be committed to your health and fitness? Can you commit to losing the weight, because losing the weight will make you healthier? Losing the weight will cut down on medical costs, and other problems that go along with weight gain…Forego the quick fix fad diets and ditch the yo-yo dieting phases.

Look, I’m speaking from experience. I have gotten so off track that I had to literally start over. That is so not fun! I got over blaming my health, my thyroid condition and making excuses. Accountability and ownership is key. I am accountable for me. I am the only one who controls what I consume and whether I workout. I decided to pull myself out of the rut and I decided to take steps to get back on track. If I can do this you can absolutely do the same!

My home gym makes it so much easier for me to get my workouts done. I have free weights and cardio equipment. I also plan to run a few races this year…but the programs (in my digital library) and virtual groups I commit to running allow me and my members to do the work together as a community. Together we’re doing our workouts and holding each other accountable. Together we’re working on taking our own necessary steps to lead healthier lives.

January 14th, I began a new program. Prior to this program I had only done Shaun Week. I was really nervous about ALL the crazy cardio and compound moves that Shaun T was going to have us do. But, I signed up regardless, and so far, I’m SO GLAD I did! This program is just 20 minutes a day and runs for  6 days a week. Sundays are rest days and the program lasts only 6 weeks! If you’re interested in joining me for this fitness program, you can hop in at any time. And, I believe this is a great starting point for any fitness level as they do have modifiers available.

If you are uncomfortable starting off working out or you can’t workout out right now, that’s ok! I encourage you to try out our revolutionary nutrition based weight loss program I’m certified in. It’s called 2B Mindset. As I mentioned, it’s completely nutrition based and I am committed to helping everyone reach their goals via this program. You have to be committed to watching the videos and doing the work, but I promise you will be happy you did! I can provide the guidance and accountability. Not to mention we have a cozy little Group of 2Bers (I’m starting up a new round soon).

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting you have to commit to one of these two programs! The beauty of having a digital library of over 700 workouts is you have a lot choices!  Please reach out so we can discuss your goals. Together we can decide which program and nutrition plan will work best for you! As always, I encourage you to seek advice from your doctor before starting any new fitness or nutrition program. If you need some information to bring to your doctor, I can provide that as well!

Stay healthy my friends!

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