Meet Cate


Welcome to Cate Minotti!



Welcome to my site. I wanted to take a moment and share some personal information. I’m a wife to “DH” and “Mama” to Little Musicman. I am an entrepreneur and I run a technology company 5EI.COM. We not only do incredible (if I do say so myself) design work, we create mobile responsive sites, (such as this one), apps, and we provide managed hosting as well. I also happen to be a certified Personal Trainer (since 2001) and an Independent Beachbody Coach. I’ve been a customer and fan of Beachbody since its inception in the early 90’s. I have gone through several of their programs and have really benefited from their approach to nutrition and physical fitness. Before running my own business, I worked in the healthcare industry for several years. I’ve trained several clients, including providing rehab exercises, as a PT in a chiropractor’s office.

My experience is pretty expansive and I really think that helps me approach fitness (and nutrition) in an open-minded manner.  After all, every BODY is different, and we don’t all get the same results from the same programs. Nor, should we all be doing the same programs with the same intensity! I'd like to point out that I also like the ‘Beachbody approach’ to nutrition as well. I feel anyone can incorporate these key elements into their daily lives. They just need to take a moment and appreciate the ultimate value nutrition and fitness will bring to them.

This site was designed specifically for me to simply share my fitness journey, write personal reviews of programs I've completed (I am not a ‘writer’ so bear with me as I work on posting my reviews!), and share my cherry picked and personal recipes. I think the most important thing I'd like people to take away from visiting my site is that they simply just need to change their mindset. Being healthy starts from the inside, truly. With that in mind, whether you’re here for short term goals, or a lifelong commitment, I can help steer you in the right direction of the program that would best suit your goals.

So, take a look around and if you like what you see, sign up for a one of my Challenge Groups or contact me today. We can work to get you set up on the program that will best help you reach your specific goals (in a realistic time frame)! Thanks, for stopping by! Now, let’s get this done, just for the health of it! ;p